#6: Shopify Site Speed Secrets with Paul Denault & Andrew Durot

Andrew Durot, CEO and Paul Denault  of Ecom Experts, are no strangers to the world of online retail. Between them, they have over 20 years of experience working with some of the biggest brands in the ecommerce space. In recent years, they have turned their attention to helping brands increase their revenue through site speed optimization and conversion optimization.

Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms on the market, and it is clear that Andrew Durot and Paul Denault know their way around it. On this episode of eCommerce Documentation, they shared some of their insights on how to make your Shopify site run faster and how to convert more visitors into paying customers.

By following the advice of experts like Andrew Durot and Paul Denault, you can ensure that your Shopify site is running at its best and that you are making money with Shopify.

Ecom Experts Website: https://ecomexperts.io/
Andrew Durot LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewdurotshopifyexpert/
Paul Denault LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-denault-a5ab42165/

Preston Miller, the host of Ecommerce documentation asks Ecom Experts what Shopify brands can do to speed up their website and generate more sales!

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Know someone who should be on the podcast? Drop me an email preston@ecommercedocumentation.com

Podcast Site: https://www.ecommercedocumentationpodcast.com/

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